Macy’s Deepens Commitment to Sustainable Materials via U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol 2023

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September 16, 2023


Macy’s Deepens Commitment to Sustainable Materials via U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol 2023

Macy’s Deepens Commitment to Sustainable Materials via U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol

In a decisive move reflecting the ongoing wave of sustainable transformations in the retail sector, Macy’s Inc., a leading retail conglomerate, has taken a pivotal step in its sustainable materials sourcing blueprint. The brand has now become an official member of the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol – an ambitious cotton sustainability initiative.

Purpose-driven Mission:

Rooted in its "Mission Every One" social purpose strategy, Macy's and its subsidiaries – Bloomingdale’s and Bluemercury – aim to pivot entirely towards preferred material sourcing for their in-house brands by the year 2030. A remarkable highlight of this membership is Macy's embracement of Trust Protocol growers' cotton, enhancing traceability through cutting-edge blockchain technology.

According to Laurie Rando, Macy’s Senior Director of Sustainability, the enterprise envisions "40% of its private-label products to incorporate preferred fibers by 2025, expanding this to an all-encompassing 100% by 2030." The U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol is instrumental in realizing this vision. Rando accentuates the dual benefits offered by the protocol: an impeccable traceability mechanism spanning the entire supply chain and robust data-driven insights encompassing water usage, energy efficiency, and greenhouse gas emissions. This strategy is an amalgamation of sustainability goals, traceability endeavors, and environment-centric impact mitigation.

Dissecting the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol:

Initiated in 2020, the Trust Protocol is a commendable endeavor aiming to redefine sustainable cotton standards in the U.S. landscape. Grounded on a robust metrics-driven approach, it ascertains sustainability benchmarks across six pivotal dimensions, including land usage, carbon sequestration in soil, advanced water management techniques, soil preservation, greenhouse gas mitigation, and enhancing energy efficiency. What's commendable is its method of collating data directly from its member growers. This transparent and raw data procurement facilitates brands like Macy's to introspect and refine their ecological footprint.

Dr. Gary Adams, the President of the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol, views Macy's membership as a dual victory, both for the Protocol and the brand. This alliance embodies Macy's unwavering commitment to embedding sustainability and ethical sourcing into its cotton value chain. Joining the protocol signifies Macy's alignment with progressive, transparent, and data-backed sustainable cotton production methodologies.

Leveraging Blockchain for Enhanced Traceability:

Besides fostering sustainability, the Trust Protocol empowers cotton supply chain traceability. Leveraging TextileGenesis’ avant-garde blockchain technology, the Protocol Consumption Management Solution (PCMS) has innovated the 'Protocol Consumption Unit' (PCU). Each PCU corresponds to a kilogram of cotton procured from Protocol-affiliated growers. This unique unit undergoes meticulous blockchain-based tracking, ensuring the final cotton product volumes align seamlessly with the source-verified fiber quantities. Moreover, the integration of conventional methods like shipping document verification solidifies this traceability process.

Brands can then attribute PCUs corresponding to their manufacturing cotton usage, enriched by a comprehensive traceability map that reveals granular details, including partner identities and their exact geolocations.

Laurie Rando encapsulates Macy’s ethos succinctly, highlighting that the brand's connection with its diverse stakeholders drives its sustainable pursuits throughout its global value chain. Facilitating customers' transition towards more sustainable shopping experiences remains a cornerstone of Macy's approach. The U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol equips Macy's with the data arsenal required to fortify the integrity and verification of its sustainable product claims.

  • Macy’s Membership in U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol: Macy's decision to join the protocol as a part of their sustainability strategy is highlighted.
  • Macy's Mission Every One Initiative: The company's goals to use preferred materials for their private label products by 2030 is retained, including the ambition to have 40% of products made with preferred fibers by 2025.
  • Details about the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol: The launch year, the aims of the protocol, and its sustainability metrics are all preserved.
  • Comments from Relevant Personnel: Both Laurie Rando's and Dr. Gary Adams' comments and perspectives on the membership and its significance were incorporated.
  • Blockchain Traceability: The Protocol's utilization of blockchain for enhanced traceability, the creation of the Protocol Consumption Unit (PCU), and its detailed tracking method were retained.
  • Macy’s Commitment to Sustainability: The brand's focus on providing its customers with sustainable products and its reliance on the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol for data verification were highlighted.

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