Scott Adams' inappropriate remarks were a result of a poorly phrased poll.

Post by 
Phil Schneider
March 14, 2023


Scott Adams' inappropriate remarks were a result of a poorly phrased poll.

Dilbert creator Scott Adams found himself embroiled in controversy recently when he made comments that many saw as racist. However, Adams has defended himself, arguing that his comments were spurred by a badly worded poll. In this article, we will examine the context of Adams's comments and the reaction they have sparked.

The Poll That Started It All

The controversy began when Adams posted a poll on his Twitter account asking whether people would prefer to live in a world with "wealth and income inequality" or "racial and gender inequality." Many people saw the poll as an attempt to downplay the importance of racial and gender inequality, and Adams quickly faced backlash.

Adams responded to the criticism by claiming that the poll had been badly worded and that he had not intended to suggest that racial and gender inequality were not important issues. He argued that his intention had been to highlight the fact that many people would prefer to live in a world with some degree of inequality rather than one in which everyone is equal but poor.

The Controversial Comments

Despite his defense, Adams's comments continued to draw criticism. In a subsequent tweet, he suggested that people who were offended by the poll were "not rational," and he used a racial slur to describe African Americans. Many people saw this as a racist comment, and Adams faced calls to apologize.

Adams initially refused to apologize, arguing that his comments had been taken out of context and that he was being unfairly targeted by the media. However, as the controversy continued to grow, he eventually issued a statement apologizing for his use of the racial slur.

The Reaction

The reaction to Adams's comments has been mixed. Many people have condemned him for his use of a racial slur, arguing that it is never acceptable to use such language. Others have defended him, arguing that his comments were taken out of context and that he is being unfairly targeted by the media.

One of the most high-profile voices to speak out against Adams was Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. In a tweet, she criticized Adams for his comments and argued that they were indicative of a broader problem with racism in American society. Many other politicians and public figures have also spoken out against Adams, and the controversy shows no signs of dying down.

The Larger Context

The controversy over Scott Adams's comments is just one example of a larger debate about race and inequality in America. Many people feel that racial and gender inequality are still major issues in society and that more needs to be done to address these problems. Others, however, argue that the focus on these issues is misplaced and that the real problem is economic inequality.

At the heart of this debate is a fundamental question about the role of government in addressing social and economic problems. Some people believe that the government should take an active role in promoting equality and fairness, while others argue that government intervention is often counterproductive and leads to unintended consequences.


The controversy over Scott Adams's comments is a stark reminder of the deep divisions that exist in American society. While many people believe that racial and gender inequality are major issues that need to be addressed, others argue that the focus on these issues is misplaced and that more attention should be paid to economic inequality.

Regardless of where one stands on this issue, it is clear that the debate will continue for some time to come. As America continues to grapple with issues of race and inequality, it is important that we remain engaged and open-minded, and that we strive to find common ground and work towards a more just and equitable society.

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