Regina Polanco of PYRATEX: Championing Transparency and Innovation in Sustainable Fashion

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September 17, 2023


Regina Polanco of PYRATEX: Championing Transparency and Innovation in Sustainable Fashion

Regina Polanco: Steering PYRATEX Towards A Sustainable Tomorrow

Organization: PYRATEX
Name: Regina Polanco
Position: Founder & CEO

An ESG Milestone:

In the past half-decade, PYRATEX has been at the forefront of sustainable innovation, morphing cutting-edge fibers into yarns and fabrics that cater to a diverse clientele – from designers to brands, making sustainability tangible and comprehensible. With a collection spanning from banana agri-waste and SEACELL to post-consumer recycled cotton, we're steadfast in our mission to supplant synthetic fibers with their natural counterparts. Our collaboration with Mara Hoffman epitomizes this ethos, with our PYRATEX power fabrics—rich in MicroTencel—serving as an eco-friendly substitute for conventional swimwear materials.

Polanco on Conscious Consumerism:

Personal values can sometimes clash with personal style and budget. My approach centers on investing in long-lasting, locally-produced garments crafted from certified natural fibers. For those once-in-a-blue-moon events, platforms like Vestiaire Collective and Vinted have been invaluable, offering remarkable pieces and championing the ethos of re-wearing. Living in sun-drenched Spain, my wardrobe bypasses the dryer, adding longevity to my garments.

Scrutinizing Brands for Sustainability:

Working with PYRATEX means I'm often privy to the ESG practices of brands we partner with. New, sustainability-focused brands regularly reach out to us, making conscious shopping a temptation. Notably, Savannah Morrow and Fiorucci are recent favorites. My professional inclination? Always peruse the care label. And even with an adoration for jeans, their water-guzzling production process has deterred me from further purchases.

Sustainability Beyond Fashion:

Our commitment to the environment transcends textiles. Our office champions eco-conscious practices, from recycling to opting for eco-products. As a budding startup, we leverage our nimbleness, organizing fortnightly masterclasses on topics like responsible recycling and certification meanings. Nestled in Madrid's heart, our team's commute leans on eco-friendly modes - walking, cycling, or public transit.

Decoding Fashion Sustainability for Consumers:

Sustainability is multifaceted, often leading to misconceptions, especially regarding garment lifecycles and recycling rates. Many remain oblivious to the staggering amount of textile waste dispatched to landfills and the minuscule fraction recycled into new garments. At PYRATEX, we stress transparent supply chains. Despite challenges, we ardently convey our materials' innovative and responsible nature to our clientele, ensuring complete transparency with certifications, impact assessments, and robust communication support.

Lessons from the Pandemic:

The pandemic underscored consumers' heightened emphasis on material functionality. Recognizing that skin, our largest organ, merits utmost care, we've ensured our materials' benefits, such as breathability and anti-irritation properties, remain uncompromised throughout production, validated by European Textile Institutes. Our growth amid these tumultuous times underscored PYRATEX's resilience and validated our direction.

PYRATEX's Latest ESG Endeavor:

We've proudly become part of the B Corp community, exemplifying our dedication to broader societal goals beyond mere profit. With our emphasis on R&D, we've introduced innovative fibers like Orange Fiber, derived from orange peel agri-waste and wood pulp.

Advocating for Transparent Progress:

The industry's trajectory hinges on supply chain transparency and consumer enlightenment. Numerous brands remain opaque about their production practices, and even when they divulge, a standardized yardstick for ESG remains elusive. Legislation is evolving, enabling consumers to make well-informed, conscientious choices. PYRATEX stands poised to offer a holistic blend of sustainable materials and robust communication guidance.

The Apparel Industry's Unseized Opportunity:

The pandemic witnessed a shift as brands gravitated towards nearshoring, reducing carbon footprints. However, current economic dynamics have seen a pivot back to Asia. The textile domain lags in tethering executive remuneration to sustainability metrics. Real transformation will manifest when fiscal incentives align with environmental and societal milestones. The clarion call? Supply chain transparency and comprehensive ESG revelations. Every garment narrates a story; let's collectively ensure it's a sustainable one.

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